Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Birthday Cake Tutorial

This is a popular themed cake for birthday cakes – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! So when I got a request to do this cake, about a week ago, for a small boy; I was definitely up to the challenge. I have decided to share the step by step method in which I used to decorateContinue reading “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Birthday Cake Tutorial”

Soccer Ball Cake Picture Tutorial with Buttercream Frosting

Back with another theme cake tutorial using butter cream ^_^ The soccer ball cake is another popular cake theme, especially for parents with boys. I was privileged to make one some weekends ago for a lady whose son was turning 11 years old. Of course I knew that was an opportunity for me to shareContinue reading “Soccer Ball Cake Picture Tutorial with Buttercream Frosting”

Superman-themed Buttercream Cake Tutorial

Hope all you bakers and bakerettes are doing well and are busy baking ^_^ I was recently baking a birthday for a very adorable 5 year old boy and I decided to do a Superman-themed cake. Since fondant really isn’t a favorite with his family – I was left with Buttercream frosting as my medium.Continue reading “Superman-themed Buttercream Cake Tutorial”